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B R A Z I L I A N   M U S E U M   O F  

S C U L P T U R E   (2 0 1 2)

FormLAB-Sao Paulo exhibited at the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture in Sao Paulo, Brazil. With support from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture Les Joynes constructed a laboratory within the museum which produced every day new sculptures as live performance. .

Click for here for 2 min video trailer.

Click on thumbnail below:

The outcomes of this included a multi-media installation in the museum: a LAB structure, sculptures and videos of found object collection. This also included live performances during the exhibition both in the LAB structure and outside on the grounds of the museum. The output was both video documentation as a two-channel video and discrete sculptures including a hanging sculpture. 

The LAB - a museum within a museum became both a stage and a Panopticon in which the artist could experiment and risk failure and the spectators could observe creative cooperation and the emergence of the artifact. 

In 2013 as Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado Foundaiton (Sao Paulo, Brazil) artist in residence I met with Concrete Artists Augusto de Campos (b 1931) his son Cid Campos and Lenora de Barros to develop ideas around speech and utterance resulting in Slur (2013) created with members of the theater group Cia Comedians Tropicales (Sao Paulo, 2013) and to create a series of performances related to plurivocality (simultaneous singing with two voices) . This project was realized the following year as FormLAB Mongolia where I worked with a plurivocal singer (Xhoomi) during multi-media performances at Mongolia’s Zanabazar Museum, Ulaanbaatar (2014).

All Rights Reserved 1996-2021 © FormLAB, Les Joynes, Joynes LLC, ARS New York and DACS London.